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How CSRD will Impact Your Supply Chain & How to Prepare

Are You Prepared for the Change? Do you know how CSRD will impact your Supply Chain?

An estimated 50,000 companies within the EU are on the brink of a major regulatory shift. The European Commission set the stage for a transformative wave in corporate accountability with the introduction of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) on February 23, 2022. This directive emerges as a cornerstone of the EU's ambitious blueprint to fulfill the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the European Green Deal, targeting enhanced sustainability.

The CSRD's focus is twofold: reinforcing human rights and bolstering environmental standards. Aimed at bolstering transparency, the EU's supply chain due diligence directive mandates a higher degree of responsibility for business leaders. By 2024, large enterprises, and by 2026, mid-sized businesses in sectors deemed high-risk, will be required to broaden their due diligence, extending to their directors' responsibilities.

This impending legislation will inevitably reshape global supply chain governance. It compels teams in charge of supply chain operations, procurement, sourcing, and sustainability to forge comprehensive due diligence strategies and establish mechanisms for ongoing supervision and compliance within their supply chains.

What can you expect from this webinar?
  • Introduction From Sam Jenks - Kodiak Hub
  • Background & Description of EU's Corporate
  • Sustainability Reporting Directive
  • How Can You Prepare Yourself & How can Technology Help?
  • Demo of Kodiak Hub Solution for CSRD