Using Excel To Manage Your Suppliers?

Source smarter with Supplier Management Software!

  • A nimble Supplier Management System that puts those costly legacy software platforms to shame.

  • Easy-to-use without having to get your IT department involved.

  • An SRM tool that helps you gain actionable insights from the data you gather, unlike time-consuming spreadsheets and homegrown solutions.

  • Save time & money by adopting Kodiak Hub's Supplier Management Application!
Let us show you what smart SRM looks like

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Save loads of time on supplier management activities with Kodiak Hub

"With our previous SRM solution it took us 8-10 months to have all of our suppliers finish their self-assessments. With Kodiak Hub we managed to get the same work done in 3 weeks. To say that we're extremely satisfied is an understatement!"

Loved Around The World

Turn Supplier Information into Value Chain Impact

How can Kodiak Hub benefit you & your team?

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Save time on management of supplier data, documents, and product information, with automated updates and easy access for your team. 


Always know who you buy from and why you buy from them, through robust ratings, KPI´s and notifications; clearly visualized and always accessible. Supplier Relationship Management as it should be.


Our intuitive SRM Tool boosts efficiency and performance through automation, data enrichment and advanced analytics - leveraging your supplier data and market information into actionable insights.


A Supplier Management Process that brings better products and services to market. Increase competitive edge by collaborating and engaging with the best suppliers to drive innovation and development.  


State-of-the-art SRM Software is the vehicle to create positive change at scale: maximizie top-line value while enhancing innovation & sustainable modes of operating in all parts of your value chain.

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Industry Agnostic

SRM Software serving a wide array of Industries

Kodiak Hub has use cases in many industries, as our SRM platform is easily configured to customer needs.

Some industries we have most prevalent use cases are (in no particular order); Technology, Industrial Automation, Manufacturing, Automotive, Chemicals, Mining and Metals, Construction, Real Estate, FMCG, Retail, Food Production, Furniture.

Sourcing BG
Customize Your Supplier Relation Management

Cover the many different aspects of Supplier Management

Kodiak Hub's Supplier Relationship Management Software offers a modular suite of SRM solutions that procurement teams can plug & play and start using right away!

Capture supplier data & information, spot supply chain risks, manage contracts, categories, documents, and products, assess and audit compliance, evaluate and improve performance and drive innovation.

Unlock the value that resides in the different phases of a buyer-supplier relationship!

See Kodiak Hub in action

Book a Demo!